For Individuals
Ways to Give.
Pass It Along relies solely on the generous contributions of individuals, businesses, and foundations to deliver our program.
All proceeds raised directly benefit Pass It Along, allowing us to persistently work towards our mission of creating confident, compassionate, and resilient youth through self-discovery, leadership, and volunteerism. With your contribution, Pass It Along strives to impact and strengthen the local community, and will continue to do so by doing the following:
—> Our signature school-based program, Discover Your Passion and Purpose, has delivered to over 2,000 students in Sussex and Warren Counties, aimed to help teens more fully understand themselves and their uniqueness through self-awareness, gratitude, and service.
—> Pass It Along currently is partnered with local non-profit organizations, working together to provide services to families and children at risk, senior citizens, individuals with developmental disabilities, and animals in need.
—> 265,155 total volunteer hours have been calculated since Pass It Along’s inception in 2001, engaging thousands of volunteers in ongoing and annual service projects centered on literacy, neighborhood revitalization, homelessness, hunger, poverty, and disaster relief.
—> Pass It Along currently offers six leadership programs, available to all local teenagers between the ages of 11 and 18. Our leadership programs aim to support the next generation of leaders by building on strengths and serving at a higher level through strategic planning, communication, and self-awareness.
It is through the kindness, compassion, and charitable giving of community-driven individuals that we are able to help thousands of people each year realize their potential, discover themselves, and help others around them through the process.
Since 2001, the demand for our services and the needs in our local community continues to grow each year. Because of your support, Pass It Along will continue to meet those needs successfully.
No goods or services were provided to you in consideration of this donation. Pass It Along is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. Our Tax ID Number is 80-0018706. Please retain this letter for your tax records.
Make a One Time or Monthly Donation Today!